here is a small carnival here at Breese in der Marsch with a carousel and a flyer for the rides and a target booth and a “knock the cans” booth among the games. Johannes rides the carousel a few times and Olaf wonders if he will be brave enough to ride the flyer. I mention that I have never ridden that ride - I was always afraid the chains would snap (insert a slightly scathing but wholly disdaining look from Olaf here). Johannes does want to ride - so Olaf takes him on it. At the conclusion, I am “taunted” until I agree to ride the kiddie ride. The only open seat is one that faces backwards and, despite my inexperience with this ride, I know that backwards is not the way to go. Now is my chance to get revenge for Olaf’s taunting as he offers to ride in the backward facing seat. I readily agree. He soon discovers why I did not want to ride backwards.