kay. Let's delve deeper into what is allowed and what would be an exclusion. First, it is stated that "You may apply through your paternal ancestor if you can prove that your right to Italian citizenship was maintained, and that it was not broken (naturalization or renunciation) by your ascendants." In other words, the main eligibility criteria is that my Italian family member did not renounce their Italian citizenship before their child (the one that led to me) was born. Hmmm...I need to look into this. I know my great-grandparents both naturalized...this claim may be dead before it even starts.
Although there are no limits to the number of generations back I can go to claim my citizenship, there are several different categories that determine if I qualify for recognition:
My father was born in Italy, an Italian citizen at the moment of my birth and I never renounced my right to Italian citizenship. – NOPE
My mother was born in Italy, an Italian citizen at the moment of my birth – occurring after January 1st 1948 – and I never renounced my right to Italian citizenship – NOPE
My father born was in the United States or other Country (except Italy), my grandfather was Italian at the time of his birth and neither me nor my father ever renounced my right to the Italian Citizenship – NOPE
My mother born in the United States or other Country (except Italy), my grandfather was Italian at the time of her birth and neither me, born after Jan. 1st 1948 nor my mother renounced my right to the Italian Citizenship – THIS ABSOLUTELY WORKS FOR MY MOTHER AND THEREFORE FOR ME AS WELL
My direct paternal or maternal ancestors were born in the United States from Italian parents and they never renounced their right to Italian citizenship – THIS ALSO WORKS